Taking a look at Cloudflare Workers

23 Jan 2019

Cloudflare Workers is a new serverless code execution platform based on the open source V8 Javascript engine, running Javascript functions with very precise billing and automating global distribution.

Thoughts on AWS re:Invent 2018

04 Jan 2019

A summary of the AWS re:Invent conference 2018 featuring plenty of new announcements about serverless, machine learning, managed services and more.

Get alerts when an S3 bucket is made public in your AWS account

19 Feb 2018

Avoid accidentally leaking customer data: using CloudTrail logs, CloudWatch Events, a NodeJS lambda function and Amazon SNS you can get email alerts when someone creates or modifies an S3 bucket to be public in your account.

Making sense of AWS re:Invent

21 Jan 2018

Amazon relentlessly release new features and services all the time, but their efforts aren't random. I use an example with a Wardley Map to illustrate how AWS pushes 'undifferentiated heavy lifting' further up the value chain towards users, and advocate for moving up the abstraction layers ahead of the wave.

AWS reInvent 2017 Recap

16 Jan 2018

A summary of the new product and service announcements I think were most relevant at the AWS re:Invent conference in 2017. EKS and Fargate are revealed, serverless and IoT services get a big boost, and machine learning becomes much more accessible.

Github Satellite 2017

23 May 2017

Keynote and presentations from the Github Satellite conference in London, the first associated conference spinning off from Github Universe bringing together Github partners, customers and developers on how they collaborate and develop software

Recruiters Can't Read

26 Feb 2017

Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Blog

AWS API Gateway Java lambda proxy request and response objects

12 Dec 2016

Use these request and response classes in order to access the whole HTTP request using an AWS Lambda proxy integration in API Gateway

Configure AWS Lambda in Java using DynamoDB

09 Nov 2016

Configure your lambdas with different values in each deployment environment with a context-wrapper class that uses naming conventions to store config in DynamoDB and fetch & cache it at request handler startup

Courtesy Client design pattern for web services

17 Jul 2016

Enable reuse of common client code across microservices by publishing a courtesy client for your service for other applications to use. Includes sample application for Dropwizard services written in Java.

CAP Theorem for the Business

13 May 2016

Treating an organisation as a distributed system, apply CAP theorem to identify a choice between autonomy of decision making and uniformity of results.

Internet of Things, or Your Property as a Service

16 Feb 2016

Stick a sensor in it, add wifi to it, gather all the data and show a fancy graph on the iPhone. Now you can micromanage your entire life, but what does it cost?

Why I'm not replying to your offer on LinkedIn

22 Jan 2016

Some common antipatterns observed from recruitment messages on LinkedIn - what not to send and how to make your message more likely to be considered.

Make Decisions With Data, Not Anecdotes

02 Oct 2015

Add metrics and stats collection to your system to enable making decisions about change with real data and not just best guesses or suppositions. Build graphs that show you how the system really runs from an operational and business perspective.

Starting a New Project as a Technical Architect

25 Apr 2015

Getting the lay of the land - who to talk to and what to ask when you start into a project that is currently underway

QCon London 2015 Day Three

13 Mar 2015

Conference sessions from the third day of QCon in 2015. Talks from Roy Rapoport, Dan North, Phil Wills, Todd L. Montgomery, Phil Calçado, Yoni Goldberg and Michael Brunton-Spall

QCon London 2015 Day Two

09 Mar 2015

Conference sessions from the second day of QCon in 2015. Talks from John Wilkes, David Pollack, Jessie Frazelle, Colin Humphreys and Paula Kennedy, Peter Lawrey, Torben Hoffman

QCon London 2015 Day One

04 Mar 2015

Conference sessions from the first day of QCon in 2015. Talks from Rebecca Parsons, Peter Pilgrim, Adam Tornhill, Colin Garlick, Rachel Laycock, Mike Pearce and Betty Enyonam Kumahor

"It Depends"

02 Mar 2015

Despite being the trigger for people to reply 'Consultants, eh?' in many cases it's the shortest correct answer you can get. This is your cue to listen up for the nuances.

Reading List Progress

25 Feb 2015

Progress on 2014's Reading List and thoughts for next books to read.

Git rebase to change history for the better

25 Feb 2015

Squash your local history of work-in-progress commits into a single commit of a working feature to keep history clean across a shared codebase

Application Health Checks with DropWizard

04 Dec 2014

Manage microservice components and enhance monitoring by using DropWizard health checks to report on the health of your applications.

Antipatterns and Antidotes

09 Apr 2014

Antipatterns in agile practices and some discussion of means to address them. Taken from my section at the BelTech2014 Agile Masterclass tutorial.

QCon London 2014 Day One

15 Mar 2014

The first day of QCon London 2014 with opening keynote from Damian Conway, talks from Daniel Schauenberg, Damon Edwards, Graham Steel, Dave Farley, Michael Nygard, Ola Ellnestam, and closing keynote from Tim Bray

2014 Reading List

27 Jan 2014

My current reading list for the year. I aim to update this post with tl;dr reviews when I'm finished with each book.

The Phoenix Project

15 Jan 2014

A novel about IT operations, devops and business transformation.

Beginning with Kanban

21 Nov 2013

Starting to implement the Kanban approach is easy as the focus is on evolutionary change. Beginning with your kanban board, start to embrace the practices and principles.

Kanban: Beyond the Board

20 Nov 2013

The Kanban Method is a lot more than just cards on a notice board. Using the principles of Kanban you can evolve your current process into a process of continuous improvement.

The New Economics

06 Nov 2013

My thoughts on System Thinking and Statistical Process Control applied in software development after reading W. Edward Deming's book

Automated Testing and the Evils of Ice Cream

12 Aug 2013

The ideal testing pyramid versus the testing ice-cream cone

The Nirvana Fallacy

30 Jun 2013

Dismissing proposed solutions by comparison to an impossibly perfect alternative feeds procrastination and fear of change. Make a rational attempt at an imperfect but beneficial change now and work towards continuous improvement.

Fear of Commitment? You Need Options

12 Jun 2013

A book review of Commitment by Olav Maassen, Chris Matts and Chris Geary, a business novel about managing project risk

The Minimum Viable Product

03 Jun 2013

A Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a piece of software created with just enough functionality and to just enough of a standard to allow you to test some theory or investigate a risk. A Lean Startup uses cycles of MVPs as their scientific method to find out if they are having a positive impact.

Reacting to Change & Abandoning Sprints

18 Apr 2013

In Scrum, the team are isolated from mid-iteration changes. Anything that comes up in the iteration that isn't already in the current backlog must be ignored or the iteration abandoned. Is this the only way of dealing with this change?

Agile With Development and Testing Phases

22 Mar 2013

Some agile projects have separate test and dev teams and some even run their testing in the iteration after the development. Can these projects really be agile?

QCon London 2013 - Day Three

08 Mar 2013

The third day of QCon London 2013 featuring opening keynote from Ward Cunningham, talks from David Dawson & Justin Holmes, Matt Asay, Mat Wall, Martijn Verburg & Kim Ross, and Douwe Osinga & Jon Tirsen

QCon London 2013 - Day Two

07 Mar 2013

The second day of QCon London 2013 featuring opening keynote from Damian Conway, talks by Glen Ford, Katherine Kirk, Benjamin Mitchell, Dan North, and Gojko Adzic & Lukas Oberhuber

QCon London 2013 - Day One

06 Mar 2013

The first day of QCon London 2013 featuring opening keynote by Barbara Liskov, closing keynote by Damian Conway, talks by Stefan Tilkov, Gareth Rushgrove, Rickard Oberg, Russel Miles, and Alex Papadimoulis

Hello, world

05 Mar 2013

The first post in my new blog.